Benefits Of Wearing Silver Rings

Rings are necessary jewelry for men and women to get married, and how to choose a ring that suits you is particularly important. Here are some benefits of silver rings.

1. Silver has a strong bactericidal function

Silver has a bactericidal effect on some microorganisms but is harmless to the human body, and has aesthetic value, so it is used as high-end tableware or food containers. In ancient times, silver needles were also used to detect viruses, but now it has been confirmed that they react to some microorganisms or compounds. But compared to other rings, it is stronger in this respect.

2. Partial dehumidification effect

Dehumidification refers to expelling rheumatism and removing dampness and heat. Acupuncture used in Chinese medicine is silver needles. The Sichuan Basin in China has a humid climate due to its topography. Because of the dehumidification effect of silverware, it is loved by the local people. People who live there like to wear silver jewelry.

3. Silver rings symbolize auspiciousness

The ancients often said that wearing silver jewelry on the body will be accompanied by health and wealth. Health refers to the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, which believes that silver has the functions of calming the five internal organs, calming the mind, stopping palpitations, and eliminating evil spirits. And wealth refers to the fact that silver was used as currency in ancient times and is a very scarce metal.

4. Divine Representation

Tracing back to the history of silver, silver culture is also embedded in beautiful ornaments and currency. Pure white sterling silver rings are endowed with sacred meaning, and the West regards silver as a symbol of sacrifice. In ancient times, people who could use silver jewelry were either rich or expensive, and it was often used as an engagement ring.

5. Love for others

Since ancient times, people have believed that silver jewelry will bring health and wealth. Wearing a sterling silver ring is more about the love and protection of parents for their children. Wearing it between couples can show love.

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